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HomeBusinessRepuX ICO (REPUX) ICO Rating, Reviews and Details

RepuX ICO (REPUX) ICO Rating, Reviews and Details

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RepuX is a new venture that is looking to change the way people buy and sell products and services online. With their ICO coming up soon, we wanted to give you all the details you need to know before putting your money down.

RepuX ICO (REPUX) Overview

RepuX is a revolutionary new platform that allows users to rent out their unused storage space on the blockchain.  Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting new ICO.

RepuX Token Sale Details

The RepuX ICO is a new and upcoming ICO that is set to take place on the 1st of October. The RepuX token sale is a unique opportunity for investors to get in on the ground floor of a project with high potential.

Here are some key points to consider when evaluating the RepuX ICO:

-The RepuX Token Sale is open to investors from all over the world
-There are 2 phases of the RepuX Token Sale:
-The Pre-Sale begins on the 1st of October and ends on the 31st of October. The Main Sale begins on the 1st of November and ends on the 15th of December.

-The RepuX token is an ERC20 Basedtoken that will be used to participate in all aspects of the RepuX platform
-There are a total of 100 million tokens available in the token sale
-Token price: 1 REP = 0.00014 ETH
-Tokens available for purchase: 50 000

RepuX ICO (REPUX) Rating, Reviews and Analysis

RepuX platform will allow content creators to receive payments for their work in a variety of ways, including through advertisements, subscriptions, and other forms of revenue sharing. The RepuX token is currently available for purchase on the Ethereum blockchain.

The RepuX ICO began on October 1st, 2017, and ended on November 30th. A total of 2,000,000 REP tokens were issued during the ICO. Overall, the REP token appears to be receiving positive reviews from early investors. I believe that it has great potential to be a major player in the blockchain industry”. Another investor writes: “This project looks very promising! I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out”.

The team has a strong track record of success in their previous ventures, which suggests that they are capable of bringing the Repu



RepuX is a blockchain-based ecosystem that connects brands and consumers. The RepuX platform allows users to buy and sell products and services directly from manufacturers, without the need for a middleman. The RepuX ICO began on July 10th, 2017, and has so far raised $2 million. RepuX ICO: What is it?

The RepuX ICO is a new and upcoming token sale that is taking place on the Ethereum blockchain.RepuX is a new and upcoming token sale that is taking place on the Ethereum blockchain.

RepuX has already achieved significant success in its pre-ICO phase, raising over 2 million dollars in less than two weeks! The ICO phase will offer investors the opportunity to purchase RepuX tokens at a discounted rate.

If you would like to learn more about the RepuX ICO or purchase tokens during the ICO phase, please visit the website or follow the company on social media for updates: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit.

RepuX ICO Details: What you need to know

RepuX is a blockchain-based platform that helps businesses to find, connect and collaborate with innovative suppliers and partners. The RepuX ICO is currently in progress, and has already raised more than $2 million. In this blog section we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the RepuX ICO.

Firstly, what is RepuX? RepuX is a platform that helps businesses to find, connect and collaborate with innovative suppliers and partners. It does this by using blockchain technology to create an immutable ledger of supplier data. How does RepuX work? The RepuX platform works by allowing businesses to input information about their suppliers into a database. This allows businesses to find new suppliers, identify potential partnerships and improve their supply chain performance.

How much has RepuX raised so far? The RepuX ICO has already raised more than $2 million. This money will be used to fund the development of the RepuX platform

RepuX ICO Rating: How good is it?

RepuX ICO is a new Initial Coin Offering that runs from September 5th to September 10th, 2017. The promises investors a high return on investment by providing them with the world’s first decentralized marketplace for real estate services. The RepuX ICO is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is open to all investors.

RepuX ICO reviews: Excellent ratings from users

In-depth analysis of the RepuX ICO: Everything you need to know about this new Initial Coin Offering

RepuX Reviews: What people are saying

RepuX ICO (REPUX) ICO Rating, Reviews and Details

The RepuX team is composed of experts in blockchain technology, marketing and finance. They understand the importance of a well-run ICO and have put a lot of effort into making sure that their project is delivered on time, correctly and with the highest quality standards.

RepuX is a decentralized platform that enables users to monetize their data. It’s built on the principle of trustless data sharing, allowing users to sell their data directly to companies and earn rewards in REPUX tokens.

The RepX ICO has already raised over $5 million (USD), and the team is currently working on expanding their platform to include other industries such as healthcare, transportation and retail. They believe that  will become the leading platform for monetizing data across multiple industries.

Overall, the  team is highly experienced and motivated, and they have a strong track record of delivering high-quality projects on time. Their ICO is definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a reliable way to monetize your data.


RepuX is a blockchain-based marketplace that connects ecommerce merchants and brands with consumers. The RepuX platform allows sellers to list their products and receive payment in RepuX tokens, while the buyers can use the tokens to purchase products from various merchant categories. In addition, RepuX offers a loyalty program that rewards shoppers for spending their tokens on more than just groceries.
The ICO for RepuX started on October 1, 2017, and ended on November 30th. During this time, 221 million REP tokens were sold at an average price of $0.14 per token. Overall, the ICO was successful, raising $34 million USD (roughly 450% of its initial goal).
RepuX currently has over 220 merchants enrolled in its platform and processed over $1 million in transactions last month alone!
If you are interested in learning more about RepuX or investing in its upcoming ICO, be sure to check out their website or read the reviews below to get a better idea of what this project is all about!



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